Waiting in Wonder | We are Expecting!


Well, this post was supposed to happen quite some time ago but yet, that seems to be a trend in life lately...being behind! I've decided to embrace it instead of beating myself up about it so here you go, my last minute post to announce that my husband and I are having a baby!! So last minute that this is also a timely post to let you know that most likely that baby will be arriving tomorrow! EEK! Double whammy on the news front.

Last September I had the joy of surprising my husband with the news that God had blessed us with a little life and we were overjoyed. I've always wanted to be a mom and yet nothing can quite prepare you for that surreal moment when the pregnancy test is positive and you blink several times in disbelief. It's a moment I will never forget and still can't believe. After my husband and I recovered from some of the shock, we began to marvel at this precious little life that was developing by the grace of God and that marveling hasn't stopped. Over the last nine months we have continually stopped and praised the Lord for His incredible craftsmanship and creativity. The way a human being develops is AMAZING and it has only increased my faith in countless ways. When you see the heartbeat on the screen, when you feel that first kick, when you watch your child respond to touch inside the womb and when you study how a baby develops it is overwhelming. The process is so beautifully designed and SO beautifully points to a glorious Creator. 

All that to say, while my pregnancy hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies, it has truly been a joy and a privilege that I wouldn't trade for anything. Jimmy and I feel so inadequate to parent this child but SO honored that God would choose us to do so. 

Now for the fun part...I'm not due for another two weeks but because of some unforeseen complications (thankfully nothing too serious) our Dr has recommended that we have this child TOMORROW! We will see what happens as there are still some things that could change that but as of right now, we are packing our bags and preparing to head to the hospital in the morning! It has been a whirlwind of a week and honestly, not at all how I pictured this experience going. Yet, in the midst of it all, I've been challenged so much to see how the Ultimate Parent, God Himself, so perfectly sees what we do not see and works for the good of His children, even if it means laying down His own life. Some of the ways in which this is all unfolding is not at all what I would have chosen and yet, that's because I do not see in full. As I think on that, I am reminded just how much that is the heart of a parent. You work for the good of your children and yet, that doesn't mean they will always understand because they simply cannot see the big picture. As my husband and I are about to embark on this journey of parenthood, I'm so thankful that we not only have wonderful earthly parents but that we serve a God who is the most loving Father and who works for our good even when we don't understand. He is our ultimate example.

So, all that to say, we are expecting a sweet addition to our family...VERY SOON! Here's to new adventures, precious life and God's sweetest gifts! Since I don't have cute pics of our sweet babe yet, here are some from our maternity session! Thanks to my wonderful assistant, Julie, for capturing this sweet season for us! 

Oh, and if you don't follow me on social media and this is all news to you, then let me add a little bit of excitement in saying that we don't know the gender of this baby! Yes, we are those crazy people...but we love it. We are waiting in wonder at what this child will be and also who he/she will become over the years! So stay tuned...